Seriously. I’m not joking.
You are in the Right Place.
Literally and figuratively, wherever you are in this exact moment is the exact place you’re meant to be.
Whether you have an idea you want to bring to life, or an unexplainable aching desire to do something different (even if you don’t know that “something” is), you are exactly where you’re meant to be. You’re officially on the journey. Yes, there will be highs and lows (see my personal thoughts on this below), but it will be worth every second of it!

Or maybe you’re ready to make a career change, to leave the 9-5 and go out on your own, but you’re not sure where to start. I get it. I’ve been there before and where there’s a will (and a healthy dose of creativity), there’s always a way.
It’s also possible that you have a business that doesn’t quite “do it” for you anymore. Yup. I’ve been there too. A few times. And I wish I knew then what I know now.
I used to resist and judge where I was at.
Always wanting to be doing something different, to be “further along”. I was caught up in an endless (and might I add, mighty painful) cycle of comparing myself to my friends, peers, and power-house women making waves all around the world.
The more I compared, the crappier I felt. The crappier I felt, the more disconnected from my personal truth I became.
Then came the whirlwind of emotions, complete with emotional eating, shopping, and too many late-night wine benders (plus a few other things I’ll save for later LOL).
Somewhere along the way I forgot that you can’t compare apples to steaks.
Notice I didn’t say “oranges”. Yeah…I was steaks (read: miles) away from even being in the same ballpark as the people I was comparing myself to. Not because I wasn’t good enough, but because who I am and the life I’ve lived is completely different than who they are the lives they’ve lived.
Thankfully, it became painful enough that it caused me to wake the f*$% up and open my eyes to what was actually going on. This is when my journey of true self-acceptance kicked in.
Fully accepting yourself…
Your unique values, who you are, where you’re at, and what you’re doing (or not doing) is absolutely essential to living a healthy life that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning.
It’s important to realize that the journey of self-acceptance and self-appreciation is a process.
It doesn’t happen overnight and to be honest, I don’t think it ever ends. (I know, I know – bummer, right?)
The very fact you’re alive and breathing means you’re going to continue to grow and bump up against new parts of yourself that make you feel uncomfortable and confused all over again.
It’s an introspective journey of peeling back the layers of crap and protection you’ve been piling on over the years (albeit for damn good reasons!). It’s kind of like a super strong, juicy onion that’s dead set on bringing tears to your eyes with every layer you slice through or peel back. Yup. That’s the journey.
If you’re on the journey – YOU’RE ON IT. Oh… You know what I mean…
There’s no turning back. There’s no escaping. As hard as you may try, it will hunt you down until you have no choice but to take a step back and listen.
If you’re still with me… you’ve got this!
I want you to pause and take a deep breath right now.
- Breathe in, filling your belly and all of your cells with the life-giving magic of oxygen that’s always around you.
- Let it fuel you in the exact way you need it right now.
- Then relax and let it allllll out.
- Release the guck, the muck, the toxic thoughts, emotions, and energetic baggage that’s been trapped inside of you long enough.
- That’s right. Let it all go.
- Then take another breath and this time, I want you to allow the sides of your mouth to curl up into a gentle smile. I want you to feel proud for coming as far as you’ve come.
You’ve done an amazing job with the skills, knowledge and resources you’ve had.
It’s going to be ok. You’re going to be ok. And it’s all going to work out. I can feel it!
I’m on the journey too and we’ll get through it together. One step at a time.
And remember… you’re in the right place!
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