Sometimes a-ha moments come in the simplest forms: a colleague reminding you that you don’t have to accept every meeting invite sent your way. That there’s a not-so-secret “decline” button that we are all free to hit on a meeting invite.
How comfortable are you with hitting the decline button on a meeting invite? Do you have guilt and resistance to holding your boundaries?
Or maybe your boundaries show up in other areas of your life—from relationships, to family, to career, and everywhere in between.
This week I’m sharing a conversation with my dear friend Christina Howard.

We are so obsessed with boundaries that we almost started a podcast just on the topic of boundaries! It’s one of our favourite topics and we invite you to join us in the chat today.
Christina shared some coaching questions to help us move forward, show up for our work, and make today great without getting paralyzed by our boundaries.
Ask yourself:
“What’s going on for me right now?”
“What do I want and need at this moment?”
And then, notice what judgemental thoughts are coming up for you. “What am I thinking about that is leading me to my overwhelm?”
Just because we have a thought, doesn’t mean we have to listen to it.
Sometimes, the most important act is to create boundaries with our own thoughts.
If you want to start choosing a more graceful and intentional way of learning lessons and navigating through life and business, check out this week’s podcast episode.
On the episode, we discuss:
- How boundaries are the property line of your life
- How to assert your boundaries
- Red flags for when boundaries are being crossed
- Emotional repression versus emotional regulation
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