- The past includes all your belief systems, who you are, your relationships, etc. You currently are standing at the apex of life, and then you have your future which is unknowing and scary. That is life. Life is the shit sandwich.
Life. That’s all this is about. Finding our way through this massive sh*t sandwich (NOTE: It’s not as daunting as you may think 😉) we’re all experiencing. Life is messy, fun, unexpected, and definitely scary. Luckily, our guest on The GlowJo Podcast has the secret recipes to living life in a compassionate, kind, and loving way. We learn how to conquer our self-sabotage and fears and turn it into magic 💫
The GlowJo Podcast welcomes the wonderfully thought-provoking and giggle-inducing, Jeremy Goldberg. A kindness advocate and author of the book, It’ll Be Okay, And You Will Be Too, and the man who coined the phrase, “Shit Sandwich.”
Jeremy has made it his mission in life to cultivate kindness, compassion, and empathy through his poetry, online courses, TEDxTalks, podcast, retreats, and workshops. Jeremy tries his hardest every day to be the best version of himself he can be while guiding thousands of people to do the same.
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Distinguishing Between Self-Sabotage & Intuition
We’ve all been there. You start something new – you’re excited and ready for whatever happens. But then you start to notice yourself getting distracted with other things, you’re not doing what you need to do, and you begin to fall off. That’s self-sabotaging.
Why do we do this? It could be because we’re just not ready, we need to give ourselves the time to marinate on the idea, build our bravery muscles, and distinguish whether it is truly the right time. The future can be scary and we psych ourselves out and end up giving up or not pursuing our dreams because of self-doubt, distractions, anxiety, judgment, criticism, and fear.
When you know that something is for you, you’ll feel it in your bones. You’ll know when it’s the right time for you to pursue your dream and aspirations. This is your intuition.
Remember that your heart whispers, and fear shouts. This is crucial to remember. You need to really listen to yourself and follow that whisper. It might be difficult over the loudness – but it is possible. Be still and surrender to the unknown. Listen to my conversation with Brigit Esselmont to hear more about intuition.
Ultimately, we’re all moving forward and we’re all scared, you’re not alone. No one knows what they’re doing. We’re all moving with the flow of life. If you don’t know what path you’re on remember:
- One step at a time. You’ll eventually look back and realize you created this path for yourself. Be proud of that.
- Surrender. Surrender to what’s calling you. Stop preventing yourself from moving forward and forcing what’s not for you.
- Embrace the fear and unknown.
Life is messy and difficult, and definitely a shit sandwich. But hey, at least we’re in this together. Making the best of what we have and listening to what is for us.
Follow me on Instagram at @leannekallal and remember to subscribe to my podcast to hear all the advice, feel all the feels, and be your messiest self.
Thank you for being a part of The GlowJo community! ♥️
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