Surrendering. What does that word mean to you?
Does it mean giving up? That’s what I first thought. But it isn’t. Surrendering is letting go. Surrendering is feeling all your feelings and giving up control. It means coming to terms with what’s for you and embracing the unknown.
The GlowJo Podcast welcomes Kute Blackson, spiritual leader and national best-selling author of You. Are. The. One, and his new book, The Magic of Surrender. He has inspired thousands of people around the world with his hands-on ideas and soul-searching wisdom.
Kute has been featured on Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Dr. Drew, and Inc Magazine. On the days he isn’t being interviewed on his successes, he’s helping organizations find their authentic selves with his exciting presentations and public speaking.
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5 Stages of Surrendering
In order to surrender entirely, you need to accept your feelings for what they are.
I mean, we’re human, this is a lot easier said than it is done. Luckily, Kute broke down the 5 stages of surrendering to make the process much easier.
Denying that we’re living an authentic life. Doing what you’re told. Not living the life you want to live.
Something isn’t resonating anymore, the natural flow of life isn’t there anymore. But we’re forcing ourselves to away from the signals we’re receiving.
The ego is resisting the surrender. The ways we identify ourselves as with our past beliefs, conditioning, memories, etc. Whenever we start to see ourselves changing (which is scary) our ego starts to freak out and we use this resistance as a self-preservation mechanism.
Your ego is finding any way to negotiate away from the inevitable. Creating distractions, self-sabotaging, etc.
You eventually come to terms with the fact that no matter how much you try to control, nothing is going to change. There’s no way around change, but to surrender.
Surrendering is the key to living an authentic life. In order to really surrender and move into flow you need to:
- Give up control
- Be willing to embrace the unknown
- Allow life to lead us
- Feel where the energy is moving and follow that deepest impulse/energy
- Allow for curiosity to fuel you
Kute and I don’t shy away from vulnerability and answer all the questions about surrendering. Subscribe to The GlowJo Podcast to listen to the entirety of this amazing conversation, you’ll find a space free of judgment, where you can feel all the feels.
Follow me on Instagram, @leannekallal to keep up with everything happening in The GlowJo community!
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