Personal Growth

Stepping into the Arena of The Greats

March 18, 2021

By choosing to seek out another way, to listen to that inner voice, they are honouring their inner self.

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How do the ‘Greats’ become ‘Greats’?

Think about this for a minute….

I want you to think of 2-3 people you look up to and respect. Maybe you admire their talent, career or the business they’ve built. Or maybe you admire the overall life they’ve created for themselves. 

I bet they all have something in common. 

They challenged the status quo. 

In fact, I dare say that 99.9999999% (ok, let’s just make it an even 100%) of the people you are inspired by did not do things the “normal” way. 

They didn’t accept things at face value. 

They didn’t believe something simply because they read it in an article or book, or heard it on a podcast or YouTube video. 

No. They didn’t stop there. 

They tuned into their inner voice. They listened to that tiny part of them that didn’t fully believe what other people were saying. 

Remember: Just because someone says something, doesn’t mean it’s true. 

Yet most people live their life simply believing everything they see, hear or read without questioning it. 

Imagine if we all lived our lives by simply accepting whatever the heck crossed our path that day? I don’t even want to imagine what kind of a world it would be. 

But the GREATS?

The great philosophers, writers, creators, teachers, scientists and thinkers of the past and of our time?

They approach life through a different lens. They don’t settle for face value. 

They explore the unknown. They dive into the unseen. They risk being wrong and ridiculed because of their desire to search for the truth. (But what is the truth? Now THAT is a whole other can of worms that you can read me ramble about here.) 

Sometimes these people are celebrated and praised by the outer world and other times they are labelled as misfits, crazy people, filled with hocus pocus and wild ideas that counteract what we know. 

But, you know what?

Regardless of how they are perceived from the outside, they are ALWAYS rewarded for their efforts. 


By choosing to seek out another way, to listen to that inner voice (no matter how quiet or loud or weird or wacky), they are honouring their inner self. 

When you honor your inner self by giving it a voice and by choosing to listen to IT, instead of blindly believing everything around you or doing whatever you can to numb out and ignore it, you will always come out on top.

You will step into the arena of the GREATS. 

You will step into a movie where you are the super star, making bold moves, learning new things, living life to the fullest and inspiring those around you everyday. 

And the funniest thing will start to happen….

You’ll start to realize that people will celebrate and praise you for being yourself. 

It won’t be the other way, like you feared it would be. 

You’ll become the leader of yourself and at the end of the day, this is what really matters.

Another incredible side effect will begin to happen and as you step into YOU, you will inspire others to do the same and the world needs more people who are here to be simply, themselves. 

One of the GREATS that we were all born to be.

So, what do you say? 

Let’s step into the arena together, one intuitive hit at a time. 

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